What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me

Transcriber: TheMuffinPony
TheMuffinPony went in and corrected a lot of the mistakes our Old Version had.
Here is a link to the MuseScore file: https://musescore.com/user/7360156/scores/2113006

"It wasn't that hard. Sure, I did have some limits while making this, but that doesn't stop me. I have hand-entered lots of other scores from a play I did a little earlier and this one was a lot more fun, since it was 'official'. Many thanks to DJDelta0 for the score and WeimTime for allowing me to have this & uploading this. I did this with MuseScore, which has a link "https://www.musescore.com/user/7360156/scores/2113006 ."

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Kitten Sneeze: WeimTime Mascot
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